
University project
Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Packaging, 


I was tasked with creating a fictional brand for a university marketing class, as well as its marketing strategy and brand guidelines. 


Beansprout is a small, Wellington-based ‘hole-in-the-wall’ coffee shop. Located on Lambton Quay, it offers a range of quality, barista-made takeaway coffees. A small packet of seeds is attached to the underside of every Beansprout coffee cup. Six different types of seeds are randomly offered; all of which are hardy, easy to grow in a variety of environments and require little room – such as microgreens, basil or chives. Customers therefore purchase and enjoy the coffee, before planting the seeds inside of the leftover coffee cup and growing their own fruit and vegetables. These coffee cups will feature fun, trendy illustrations by Wellington-based artists - the cups therefore become collectibles, where customers can display the different art pieces from their windowsill while growing the herbs and microgreens within them.

Beansprout also sells complementary products that are necessary in this cycle - including tiny, 300mL bags of soil (the same volume as its coffee cups) and bags of used coffee grounds, which are perfect for using as fertiliser. These supplementary products help to generate further revenue and secure returning customers. This entire Beansprout process makes growing herbs and microgreens incredibly simple and affordable for students, busy professionals and others living in central flats or apartments with minimal space. All of Beansprout's designed material must reflect the Beansprout brand. It is friendly and fun, and strives to be at the forefront of a shift towards an environmentally and socially sustainable future. My logo concept reflects this well; utilising fun, sans-serif lettering and a playful logomark that expresses the brand USP. 

Beansprout aims to target people aged 18-40 who live in Wellington, regularly drink coffee, spend time in the CBD, and care about environmental and social sustainability. Perfect Daily Grind reports that “Generation Z and millennials are more likely to visit coffee shops” than older generations, and “the freelance and gig economy means that coffee shops are attracting more young professionals who either can’t afford or don’t want office space.” Coffee shops are becoming hubs for students and young professionals, and Wellington’s city center is full of them. Additionally, Beansprout’s focus on environmental and social sustainability marries well with the values that many Wellingtonians hold, and particularly those who live in Te Aro (which includes Lambton Quay). Wellington Central is the most liberal- and progressive-voting electorate in New Zealand (Electoral Commision, 2020), and there is a strong link between these political philosophies and a focus on sustainability. Because of this, Beansprout’s focus on building a progessive, sustainable brand will be meaningful for these like-minded Wellingtonians. Beansprout cares about building an environmentally and socially sustainable future, and wants to be at the forefront of a shift towards that.